
Here are a bunch of links I've found interesting

yt-dlp A command line interface to download youtube videos
Picture of Hotdog pretty self explanatory
My 2000's TV TV stuff from 2000 to 2009!
Dither me this A website dedicated to dithering your images
Glitter Graphics Bunch of user submitted graphics for your website. Feels like a time capsule of early 2010s internet.
Betty's Graphics Has a ton of old graphics in organised lists
Web Revival Glossary A glossary of words that many websites on neocities use!
911 in realtime A multimedia experiment to experience 9/11 in realtime
Oldschool Font resource A collection of a bunch of old system and BIOS fonts (Also where I got the fonts for this website)
GifCities An archive of gifs from geocities
BetterSAM A recreation of an old speech sythesis program released in 1982
Oolimo A website to find the name of a guitar chord
Token Stamp Quickly create tokens for online dnd sessions
Dnd Wiki THE dnd wiki, has pretty much everything from 3 to 5e, including some homebrew
Text-image Website that converts images into text, its pretty neat
Web Badges World Holds a ton of 88x15 website badges
Internet Bumper Stickers Pretty self explanatory
Real World Graphics A gallery of user created cursors and icons to download
Textanim Quickly make gifs of text. found on twelvemen
Night Interactive map for Cyperpunk 2077 and Cyberpunk Red
Dataterm A really fucking amazing website with a bunch of cyberpunk TTRPG stuff
5e Tools Massive wiki for all dnd 5th edition stuff