What are internet relics?

Internet relics are little things, that I've learned from the internet. Could be memes or any other thing I've experienced. I just wanted to share some of the stuff that people may or may not know about


Loss is a 4 pannel comic strip from the webcomic Ctrl+Alt+Del, during a storyline where the two shown characters were set to have a baby, instead suffering a miscarriage.
The strip gained wide spread criticism and internet meme status because of its dramatic shift in tone from earlier strips that focused more on gaming humor and one-off gags.

It's now mostly referenced as a bunch of lines.


Max Headroom Incident

The Max Headroom Incident or Max Headroom signal hijacking happend on the 22nd of November, 1987 when two stations in Chicago were hijacked by a man wearing a Max Headroom mask. The Speaker rambles on screen for a little bit then gets his bare ass spanked by a fly swatter.
To this day the hijacker hasn't been caught.


Dear Sister

An SNL sketch that mocked the end to the OC season 2's finale.
This was one of the first internet memes I can remember seeing a ton of. It was very popular in gmod videos around the time. I remember the swep very vividly.