welcome gif

Hello! My name is Mystery. Welcome to my personal website, a part of myself on the web.
This website will be changing a lot, because I don't have a clear vision of what I want it to look like lol. also no pages look the same because variety is the spice of life! (or something)

this website is NOT optimized for mobile

have a good day!!!

my button!!!!

link me on your website!

Time since Mysterium Started:


August 5, 2024

Made a landing page

July 26, 2024

  • Header switcher!
  • More books in Booklog!
  • Made the stuff page look a little more interesting cause I think I understand absolute positioning

July 16, 2024

Happy 2 year anniversary!

July 3, 2024

  • Changed the header to a image thing
  • Laid the internet relics page to rest. (I might resurrect it later if I have more ideas for it)

June 23, 2024

  • Added some credit(s)
  • Couple new links
  • Removed the "days since update" thing since I didn't want to feel like I needed to keep updating constantly
  • Updated book log
  • Updated about me

June 11, 2024

June 1, 2024

Happy pride month!

  • Added some example videos to the youtubers page

May 11, 2024

  • Moved the cool websites to the bottom of this page

May 6, 2024

  • Rebranding/experimenting with the visuals!
  • Added some more cool websites

April 19, 2024

  • added to audio script so when you pause audio on one page it's paused on every page
  • also made audio loop
  • new audio for the video games page

April 2, 2024

  • new photos n stuff

March 18, 2024

  • Made a show/hide button for the now playing bit
  • minor rebranding to 1mystery
  • new secret page, shhhh

March 13, 2024

  • I have a 88x31 button now!
  • Booklog page
  • CHAT BOX! go say hello! :D
  • fixed spelling mistakes :P

March 1, 2024

  • Changed this page's music to Another Medium by Toby Fox (and reflected the changes in the credits).
  • moar badges
  • Added buttons of cool websites
  • Added 'now playing' bit
  • New art page, but serves as just a photography page for now

Februrary 14, 2024

  • New Stuff page
  • New Credits page (wip)
  • New Youtubers page
  • Fixed the dear sister internet relic
  • Couple new links
  • css changes n stuff

January 12, 2024

Happy new year!

  • Marquee thing
  • Working on the about me page
  • Added a "view my library" button in the video games page

December 17, 2023

  • Buncha new links in the links page
  • Changed some of the wording in the video games page
  • Added more badges
  • New About me page with more music

October 15, 2023

  • Added the Internet relics page
  • Changed the Media page to all about video games and stuff
  • Added Music to this page

September 17, 2023

Some very minor changes, css and extra stuff

August 20, 2023

  • Added the bumper stickers and badges section
  • More css and layout changes

August 12, 2023

  • Made the nav bar use javascript to be easier to change betweeen all the pages
  • Edited some wording in the Short review media section
  • Officially a supporter of neocities!

June 13, 2023

  • Fixed some ugly formatting lol
  • Added more stuff to media page and redid parts of it

April 21, 2023

  • Added "links" page
  • Added more stuff to the media page

April 17, 2023

its been an interesting month

  • Created this entire new website
  • added blog and media pages
  • Bought a domain name, eventually I'll hook up

July 16, 2022

original start date

read more in the about me page