Forbidden Magic

Everton Map


Everton is a vibrant trade city teeming with life and energy, nestled at the crossroads of several small villages. With a population of 23k, it buzzes with the activities of merchants, travelers, and residents who bring diverse cultures, goods, and stories from far and wide.

The city's architecture reflects its prosperity, with richly decorated facades, colorful banners fluttering in the wind, and intricately designed bridges spanning its many canals. The streets are a labyrinth of cobblestones, lined with shops exotic wares and aromatic street food stalls tempting passersby with scents of spices and grilled meats.

Silver Watch

The city guard, known as the "Silver Watch," for the silver city emblem emblazoned on their uniforms, maintains order within Everton.

Story Places

Rose Bar - The abandoned bar where the Twilight Flowers made a base of operations inside a secret extraplanar room.

Festival of Crows

An annual week-long event honoring Asdos and his daughters, where the city is adorned with gray crow motifs. There are parades, feasts, and dances to honor the god's wisdom, give thanks for his daughter and seek his blessings for the coming year. People commission artisans or craft their own elaborate dresses and bird masquerade masks for dancing.

Places to go

The Midnight Theater - Famous for its dramatic plays and spellbinding performances that captivate audiences well into the nigh.

The Golden Griffin - Tavern renowned for its raucous atmosphere, hearty food, and nightly performances by bards.

The Grand Market - The heart of this trade town, the center market where merchants peddle their wares.

Everton Emblem