
Spring break went way too fast

Last stretch of my second semester till summer! Only 2 months left.

Got an apartment reserved for the fall with one of my friends. I'm excited to get out of the dorms lol. Ready to not have to share a bathroom with a bunch of guys who don't wash their hands

Been watching PayMoneyWubby play minecraft for the first time and it's got me wanting to play minecraft again for the first time in a while, but I'm too spoiled with my desktop where I don't like playing on my laptop

Love seeing the sun, hate the heat.


Swapped browsers again :P. Now I'm on firefox


Just rewatched one of my favorite movies Hardcore Henry!!

I really recommend giving it a shot if you haven't seen it yet.


I know that to get my site viewed by more people I have to interact with people, but im just afraid of talking to people online!!!


back at school and it's not as bad as I was dreading lol.

was def easier to acclimate back to being here since it's not new to me


Happy New Year!

now begins breaking the habit of putting 2024 everywhere :P


It's my birthday!!!


It's dead week!! Only a couple more week before I'm off for another break!
And then I go back for my math final but then I'm off for winter break.


Got my schedule for next semester. I'm taking calc 2, public speaking, a history of rock and roll class thats online, and I have a comp sci class everyday finally.
No more English class that I suck at! And I won't have to take english until next year.

I was gonna try double majoring in computer science and computer engineering but my advisor said it would add 2 years onto my schooling, which means I wouldn't graduate until 2030.
I'm gonna think about it more.


I'm behind on work in every one of my classes :D

I love those 90s computer desks where the computer takes up like all of it, but also I can't deal with having only one monitor.




Came back home this weekend, garbage week 0/10

Bike was stolen wednesday, my favorite necklace broke thursday


Third week of college now, days feel like they're going way faster than highschool. I went home on friday and stayed over the long weekend (thank you labor day), I brought back my bike which I feel will be an absolute game changer.

Still waiting for my calc 1 class to get harder, cause I just know it will. I even ordered a drawing tablet so I didn't have to print out each assignment.

Also I asked someone out on a date this coming saturday!!! I can't wait!!!


Finished my first week of college, already's had some ups and downs.

I'm really excited for my major related classes, which are on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays. Though I have a programming class on thursday. The only ones I'm not super excited for is english and sociology, mostly because I have a better math brain than english brain.

Parking situation kinda sucks, for freshman atleast. The only lot I'm allowed in are constantly packed with cars, which I guess makes sense because there's so many other students here, but it still sucks.

Anyway, a friend of mine is visiting me today! We're going to go watch the new deadpool movie; I'm so excited.


I moved into my dorm room yesterday

It feels weird to be basically by myself. Roommate seems pretty chill so far.

Actual school doesn't start till monday so I got time to figure out my stuff

Already though, where I'm supposed to park is like a 10 min walk from my dorm, which will suck for when I get a job.


Okay so, I was playing cyberpunk for the 3rd time, and I was in a mission where you can get a tarot card reading and I realized how foreshadowing it was.
Then on the 26th of July I edited and posted a simple little video on youtube showing like an edit showing how the future turned out.





sometimes I wonder why I even have this website. I have no art abilities and I have nothing else to offer. I feel like I have no creativity compared to other people on neocities.

I see all these other websites with cool custom made graphics and showing off their art skills while I'm just sitting here with a bland ass website.

Sure its a personal website, but I have nothing "personal" I can add.

I like creating things because I get to show it to other people, but it's not very satisfying to show off when its not entirely my stuff y'know?


I recently aquired all the sims 4 dlc, (in a very legal way definitely) and I'm underwhelmed with what was possibly hundreds of dollars got me. But because that, I played videogames all day for the first time in a while.

I have a want to change my website look again, and I have ideas just not sure how to execute them.



I'm kinda out of ideas of what to put on my website.

also my summer feels like its going fast but also slow. Its weird that I haven't felt like playing videogames, or I want to but I feel like I should do something else.

I haven't looked for when I leave for college yet. I know its in august but I think if I put it on my calender it'll just make me anxious about getting the most out of this summer before that date comes, and that will just make it worse lol.

I started playing Baldur's Gate 3 again. I'm just after freeing the tiefling refugees and druid camp. I will say, I think it'll be another game I love.

I've also been preparing to restart a dnd campaign before my group breaks up to go to college and stuff.


Went to pridefest yesterday with some friends!

It was really fun, we left a littler earlier than we originally thought because it started raining a little on us.




Please be careful!


If you are a minor on neocities or any social media, please be careful with what you share.

I get worried with the amount of information some people have readily available on their page.


8 days left of school for me! I am so ready to be done.

although college seems more and more expensive the more I look into it

I'm also thinking about redoing this entire website again :p


no april fools, got into a car accident.
wasn't my fault, nobody was hurt, but still sucks

in brighter news my mom got me more polaroid film!


4th quarter now, senioritis is hitting harder now. I'm just tired of my not-fun classes rn.

Shojo by Megumi Mori

Bought Megumi Mori's 少女 (Shōjo) albumn, (it has tokio town on it) and I realized it's very hard to find any information on her or this albumn, and theres another japanese pop-star named Megumi Mori.


Dark side of the moon

just posting that you need to listen to the pink floyd albumn Darkside of the moon if you haven't yet.
I just really enjoy it




Last week was a little insane with school stuff but I got through it.

This last saturday (the 9th) I went to Comic-Con with my dad, it was very fun but now my calfs are killing me. That was our 5th year going, although we only go on the saturday; eventually I want to go for all three days, or atleast saturday and sunday.
This year I put more emphasis on going through all the artists booths, which I'm pretty sure we did. Although we ran out of time to get through all the exhibitor booths, but I'm okay with that. After a while the majority of those booths seem to sell the same things.

Going around like old comics made me realize that the old styles of art where they depict breasts as just spheres on a chest make me uncomfortable.

I did see a couple people do cyberunk related cosplay which was amazing to see. I saw 3 people do David and 1 Lucy. One person had Johnny's jacket but I dont think they were trying to do a cyberpunk cosplay, then I also saw a Johnny Silverhand but it was right as I was going to a panel so I didn't get to take a picture with him.


One of the things I love about neocities is that everyone has a website, like every comment I see I can click on their page and see whats behind the username.

The Wonderful world of APNG


"Its like GIF but better!" - Me, right now

APNG is an animated file format that uses 24-bits for color (vs Gif's 8-bits) which allows the full 16-million color RGB spectrum!

Not only does it support more colors, but also 8-bits of transparency and smaller file size!

However, APNG is definitly not as widespread as gif and its seems like when I open it on windows it only loads as a static image.



In my school district (and others around mine) when you enter highschool you're given a laptop to use for your next 4 years. However these are far from personal laptops (as they remind you constantly).

When you're inside the school, connected to their wifi, they have certain websites blocked. Which makes sense, you don't want some freshman watching hentai in biology class.

However, recently I feel these blockers have gotten excessively aggressive. To give some perspective, in my freshman and sophomore year the only time the web was restricted was when you were on school grounds; everything was pretty much fair game when you got home.

Now over this year, they've added 2 or 3 apps locally onto all laptops, which makes it so everywhere you connect to the internet is filtered. (They had one that was a browser extension in my junior year but you could just use another browser)

What annoys me is both how inconsistant the blocks are and some of the websites they block. For example: they blocked wikipedia, the rumor is that some kid looked up how to build a bomb or something similar and that made them block it for everyone (amazing use of not punishing the person responsable and punishing everyone btw).
Then websites like walmart are blocked because you can shop on it (why even??) BUT ONLY when you're on the laptops, and not when you're on one of the desktops. THEN why is fucking best buy not blocked??? OR THE FUCKING MERCH SHOP IF YOU'RE SO WORRIED ABOUT SHOPPING.

And I'm a senior in highschool right? I feel like that deserves some sort of like acknowledgement and have less websites blocked and atleast have some kind of "oh this is what we look for" ruleset for why sites get blocked, because as far as I can tell, the way they block shit is they throw shit at a plasterboard and block anything a spec of feces touches.

Additionally, there are certain websites that are blocked willy-nilly that classes ACTUALLY FUCKING USE, and going through any "offical" ways to get it unblocked would take the entire year because everyone in power are as old as the birth of the universe and refuse to change the way they do communications.

Really this wouldn't bother me so much but my school was build in the 80s using brick so getting internet on your phone is nearly impossible. And they got rid of the student wifi in my sophomore year.